Lightroom 6 Merge Function"Select your images and merge." Anyone who has ever stitched a large panorama in Photoshop knows that creating a massive pano is much more complicated than that. Even if it was as simple, Photoshop users know that merging many RAW images can take hours (and might not even work). That is why when I heard those words about the new merge function in Lightroom 6 (LRcc) I was skeptical. I have never been one for Adobe's Photoshop. When I open the program, I get dizzy looking at all of the icons. While I understand that Photoshop can make a photographer's life much, much easier, I prefer using Lightroom exclusively. Yet, there are still two or three functions of Photoshop that I desperately want (without actually using Photoshop). The merge tool of the newly launched Lightroom 6 is one of these tools. How To Merge Photos1) After selecting the photographs you wish to merge in Lightroom's Develop module, chose "Photo" and then "Photo Merge." 2) You will then be able to select a Panorama or HDR application for the photo merger. 3) After completing simple these steps, you will also be able to select (or allow Lightroom to auto-select) the desired perspective functioning. For me, being able to choose between cylindrical, spherical or perspective brings Lightroom 6 just one step closer to the perfect editing software. Within minutes, your stitched panorama will be ready. With the addition of the merge function, Adobe Lightroom developers are acknowledging that users may need/want some of the tools that LR's big brother has without the hassle of Photoshop. I expect to see more Photoshop tools (i.e. layers) incorporated into future versions of LR. Yet, for now, the merge function is a large step in the right direction. Keep it up Lightroom. Keep it up.
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